About CCK

Global partnership

1. At-A-Glance

2010. 6.
- Founded Asia-Pacific Learning center based in Seoul, Korea with the partnership of United Way Worldwide(UWW)
- Hosted the UWW Asia-Pacific Regional Conference
2015. 9.
- Co-hosted UWW Roundtable on Philanthropy in Seoul
2015. 10.
- Established a Memorandum of Understanding with China Charity Federation
2016. 11.
- Launched One Heart Two Loves Diaspora Campaign with UW of Greater Los Angeles
2018. 6.
- Launched Honor Society LA Chapter
2018. 8.
- Co-hosted UWW Asia-Pacific Philanthropy Summit
2012. 3. ~ 2018. 7.
- Provided training to UWW AP region partners and CCK employees
2019. 7.
- Established a Memorandum of Understanding with the General Agency for Labour and Social Welfare Services of Mongolia
2019. 8.
- Established a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
2019. 10.
- Provided training to NPOs in Viet Nam about Capacity Building on Social Welfare and Partnership in International Integration
2020. 08.
- Published ‘2020 Mega Giving Trend’ report to share the insights on the strategies to better engage with individuals and corporations
2021. 09.
- Provided a webinar to UWW partners of Korea’s giving product development & thrive strategy
2022. 07.
- Welcomed UWW’s new president(Angela F. Williams) for the first visit CCK in Korea
2022. 08.
- Provided training to NPOs in Viet Nam about Capacity Buildings for Philanthropic Ecosystem

2. Introducing United Way Worldwide

In partnership with Community Chest of Korea, United Way Worldwide is one of the largest charities in the world, with 1,800 local affiliates in over 41 countries and territories raising $5.2 billion annually. It is a non-profit organization providing services to a network of member United Ways, donors and partner organizations across the world. At the global, national and local level, it has long-standing partnerships with Fortune 500 corporations, non-profit and voluntary sector leaders and mayors, governors and other elected officials. United Way focuses on creating community-based and community-led solutions that strengthen the cornerstones for a good quality of life: education, income and health.

3. United Way Asia-Pacific Learning Center

UWW Asia-Pacific Learning Center is a joint venture led by Community Chest of Korea and United Way Worldwide. It is based in Seoul, Korea as a hub for knowledge transfer and best practices exchange within the region.

Community Chest of Korea will continue to strengthen partnership to spread the culture of giving that changes the world.

UWW Asia Pacific Region Networks

Asia Pacific Region
Community Chest of Korea, China Charity, United Way of India, Yayasan Mitra Mandiri, Central Community Chest of Japan, United Way of New Zealand, United Way Philippines, Inc., United Way Taiwan, National Council on Social Welfare of Thailand, United Way Australia, Ltd
Capacity Buildings for Philanthropic Ecosystem(2022)
Welcomed UWW’s new president for the first visit CCK in Korea(2022)
Webinar: Korea’s giving product development & thrive strategy(2021)
Capacity Building on Social Welfare and Partnership in International Integration (2019)
Asia-Pacific Philanthropy Summit (2018)
Asia Pacific Learning Center (2010)